Which of the following systems is not directly involved in the body's regulation of water.

a. digestive
b. muscular
c. urinary
d. integumentary

Who on earth is Roberta?

b. muscular

I am so confused isn't MS. Se a teacher. he person who posted that does not seem like a teacher

yeah, I was gonna keep going on my quiz... but now im focused on who Roberta is.

Is it b?

Thanks!!! (=

Your welcome!

did you get it right

To determine which system is not directly involved in the body's regulation of water, let's examine each option:

a. Digestive system: The digestive system does contribute to water regulation indirectly, as it absorbs water from ingested food and eliminates excess water through feces. Therefore, the digestive system is involved in water regulation.

b. Muscular system: The muscular system primarily enables movement in the body and does not play a direct role in water regulation.

c. Urinary system: The urinary system, which includes the kidneys, helps regulate water balance by reabsorbing or excreting water as needed. It is directly involved in the body's regulation of water.

d. Integumentary system: The integumentary system, consisting of the skin, is responsible for protection, temperature regulation, and preventing water loss through the skin by evaporation. It is also directly involved in water regulation.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is b. the muscular system.

Roberta you are here inform you. that this the vacation of the rules so we suggest you not to be on here. Disgrace