This number has 4 places to the right of the decimal point. It has 2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, and 1 tenth. It is between 240 and 242. The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundredths. What are six numbers that match this data?

To find six numbers that match the given data, we need to analyze the information provided step by step.

Step 1: The number has 4 places to the right of the decimal point.
This means the number can be written in the form "x.yyzw," where x, y, z, and w represent digits.

Step 2: The number has 2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, and 1 tenth.
Based on this information, we can deduce that the number can be written as "2xy.zzw1."

Step 3: The number is between 240 and 242.
From this, we can determine that the value of x is 2, and the number can be expressed as "2y.zzw1."

Step 4: The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundredths.
By comparing the digits in their respective places, we can conclude that y is one more than z and less than w.

Now, let's generate six numbers that meet these conditions:

1. Number 1: If we assume y = 4, z = 3, and w = 5, the number would be 243.0531.
2. Number 2: If we assume y = 5, z = 4, and w = 6, the number would be 254.0461.
3. Number 3: If we assume y = 6, z = 5, and w = 7, the number would be 265.0571.
4. Number 4: If we assume y = 7, z = 6, and w = 8, the number would be 276.0681.
5. Number 5: If we assume y = 8, z = 7, and w = 9, the number would be 287.0791.
6. Number 6: If we assume y = 9, z = 8, and w = 0, the number would be 298.0801.

These six numbers meet the criteria provided and have a format of "2y.zzw1," where y, z, and w satisfy the given conditions.