If 25 individuals were alive in 1955 and 500 existed in 2013, what is r?

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a) 475


To find the value of r, we can use the formula for exponential growth:

N = N₀ * (1 + r)^t

N is the final population,
N₀ is the initial population,
r is the growth rate,
t is the time in years.

In this case, we know that in 1955 there were 25 individuals (N₀), and in 2013 there were 500 individuals (N). The difference in time between these two years is 2013 - 1955 = 58 years.

Plugging in the values we know into the formula, we get:

500 = 25 * (1 + r)^58

Now we can start solving for r.

Divide both sides of the equation by 25:

(500 / 25) = (1 + r)^58

Simplify the left side:

20 = (1 + r)^58

Take the 58th root of both sides to isolate (1 + r):

(20)^(1/58) = 1 + r

Now subtract 1 from both sides:

(20)^(1/58) - 1 = r

Using a calculator, we can find that (20)^(1/58) is approximately 1.0299.

So, r ≈ 1.0299 - 1 ≈ 0.0299.

Therefore, the answer is approximately 0.029, which corresponds to option d) in the given choices.