A salesperson earns $200 a week plus a 4% commission on her sales. Which equation models the relationship between her sales in a given week, s, and her weekly earnings, e?

Is it

Its e = (4/100)x+200 you dinguses

I think is e=200x+0.04


What are your other choices?

What is your answer?

Reminder 4% = 0.04

I'll be glad to check your answer.

No, the equation e = 200s + 4 does not correctly model the relationship between the sales and earnings. In the equation, the variable "s" represents the sales, and the variable "e" represents the earnings.

To model the relationship, we need to consider that the salesperson earns a fixed amount of $200 per week, regardless of the sales. In addition to that, they also earn a 4% commission on their sales.

To calculate the commission, we need to multiply the sales by 4% (which is expressed as 0.04). Therefore, the commission can be calculated as 0.04s.

Putting it all together, the equation that models the relationship between sales and earnings is:

e = 200 + 0.04s

In this equation, the fixed earning of $200 is added to the commission, which is 0.04 multiplied by the sales "s".



