Get–Around Cab Company charges $2.50 upon entry and $2 per mile. Write the function that represents the cost C of a ride of m miles.

I don't know what the formula is?

$2.50 + $2m = C

$2/mile sound very high. Typo?

To write a function that represents the cost C of a ride of m miles, we need to consider the information provided: Get-Around Cab Company charges $2.50 upon entry and $2 per mile.

The formula to calculate the cost C of a ride of m miles would be:
C = 2.50 + (2 * m)

- The constant $2.50 represents the charge upon entry, which is added to the cost.
- The variable 2 represents the charge per mile, which is multiplied by the number of miles traveled.
- The result of multiplying the charge per mile by the number of miles is added to the charge upon entry to obtain the total cost of the ride.

Therefore, the function representing the cost C of a ride of m miles is C = 2.50 + (2 * m).