i am writing a paper on a novel and i used quotes from the book. when i cite do i need to put (author name page number) every time, or should i do it that way once and then just put (page number)?



Be sure to go through various sections listed at the left, especially Guide to Citations.

Good explanations and examples here.


When citing quotes in your paper, it is essential to properly attribute them to the original source. In most academic styles, such as MLA or APA, you would typically include the author's name and the page number in parentheses immediately after the quote. This helps readers locate the specific information you are referencing in the book.

For example, in MLA style, you would format the citation like this: (Author's Last Name page number).

When it comes to subsequent citations from the same source, you have a couple of options. If you continue to cite from the same page, you can simply include the page number in parentheses each time. However, if you switch to a different page, it is recommended to include the full author name and new page number in parentheses.

To ensure accuracy, it is always a good idea to consult the specific citation guidelines prescribed by your instructor or institution. Websites like http://wwwold.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/ offer comprehensive guides to citations and referencing styles like MLA.

Remember, citations not only provide proper credit to the original author but also contribute to the credibility and integrity of your paper.