if moon goes away, what would happen to the earth?

if you drop a ball 3 meters and it bounds 1/2 seconds, what would happen on the moon?

If the Moon were to somehow disappear, it would have several significant effects on Earth. Here are some of the consequences:

1. Tides: The Moon's gravitational pull is responsible for the formation of ocean tides on Earth. Without the Moon, tides would become less extreme and would be solely influenced by the Sun's gravitational pull, resulting in smaller and less predictable tides.

2. Rotation: The Moon's gravitational force also affects Earth's rotation. As the Moon's gravity pulls on Earth, it causes a slight "drag" on our planet, which results in the slowing down of Earth's rotation over time. Without the Moon's gravitational pull, Earth's rotation would gradually speed up, although this change would happen over extended periods of time and may not be immediately noticeable.

3. Stabilization: The Moon helps stabilize Earth's axial tilt, which is responsible for the changing seasons. Without the Moon, Earth's tilt would be less stable and could become more erratic, potentially leading to extreme and irregular climate changes.

4. Light: The Moon reflects sunlight, providing additional illumination during the night. Without the Moon, nights on Earth would become significantly darker.

Regarding the ball dropped on the Moon, here's what would happen:

The acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is approximately 1/6th of that on Earth. If you were to drop a ball from a height of 3 meters on the Moon, it would take longer to hit the ground compared to Earth. The ball would also rebound or bounce for a longer duration because of the lower gravity. However, the exact time the ball would take to hit the ground and the duration of the bounce would depend on the specific properties of the ball and the Moon's surface.