what is the mass of bromine contains the same number of atoms of 50.0 g of iodine?

my work:
50g/79.5g= .628 mol(Br)
50g/126g=.394 mol(I)

Note Br is 79.9 and I is 126.9

molar mass Br2 is 79.9 x 2 = 159.8
molar mass I2 is 126.9 x 2 = 253.8

In 50 g I2 there are
50/253.9 = 0.197 mols I2 or 2*0.197 = 0.394 mols I atoms (which is what you have above but I've gone about it a different way).

Now you have 0.197 mols Br2 and the mass of that will be 0.197 x 15.8 = ? grams Br2 (not Br) because Br is diatomic and occurs as Br2.

Why did the bromine and iodine go on a date? Because they were a perfect mole-match! But seriously, let's calculate it.

To find the mass of bromine containing the same number of atoms as 50.0 g of iodine, we need to use the molar masses of bromine and iodine.

The molar mass of bromine (Br) is approximately 79.5 g/mol, and the molar mass of iodine (I) is approximately 126 g/mol.

Using your calculations, you found that there are 0.628 mol of bromine and 0.394 mol of iodine.

Now, to find the mass of bromine that contains the same number of atoms as 50.0 g of iodine, we can use ratios.

Since the number of atoms is proportional to the number of moles, we can set up the following ratio:

0.628 mol Br / 0.394 mol I = X g Br / 50.0 g I

Cross-multiplying and solving for X:

X g Br = (0.628 mol Br / 0.394 mol I) * 50.0 g I
X g Br = 79.7 g Br

So, the mass of bromine containing the same number of atoms as 50.0 g of iodine is approximately 79.7 g.

To find the mass of bromine that contains the same number of atoms as 50.0 g of iodine, you need to use the mole ratio between bromine and iodine. From your calculations, you determined that there are 0.628 moles of bromine (Br) and 0.394 moles of iodine (I) in 50.0 g of iodine.

To find the molar mass of bromine, you can use the molar mass equation: molar mass = mass / moles.

For bromine:
Molar mass = 50.0 g / 0.628 mol
Molar mass of bromine = 79.6 g/mol (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the mass of bromine that contains the same number of atoms as 50.0 g of iodine is approximately 79.6 grams.

To determine the mass of bromine that contains the same number of atoms as 50.0 g of iodine, you need to compare the number of moles of each element.

First, find the molar mass of bromine (Br) and iodine (I) from the periodic table. The molar mass is equal to the atomic mass of the element expressed in grams per mole.

The molar mass of bromine is 79.5 g/mol, and the molar mass of iodine is 126 g/mol.

Next, calculate the number of moles for each element using the given mass and the molar mass formula:

Number of moles of bromine (Br) = mass of iodine (I) / molar mass of bromine (Br)
Number of moles of bromine (Br) = 50.0 g / 79.5 g/mol = 0.628 moles

Number of moles of iodine (I) = mass of iodine (I) / molar mass of iodine (I)
Number of moles of iodine (I) = 50.0 g / 126 g/mol = 0.394 moles

So, 50.0 g of iodine contains 0.628 moles of bromine and 0.394 moles of iodine.

Please note that the number of atoms in a given amount of a substance (in this case, bromine and iodine) is always the same regardless of the substance. Therefore, the number of atoms in 50.0 g of iodine will be the same as the number of atoms in the mass of bromine calculated using the number of moles.