Which of the following options is an equivalent function to f(x) = 4(3)2x?

A.f(x)= 36x
B.f(x)= 4(9)x
C.f(x)= 144x
D.f(x)= 4(6x)

The answer is b

Which of the following options is an equivalent function to f(x) = 4(3^2x?

A.f(x)= 36^x
B.f(x)= 4(9)^x
C.f(x)= 144^x
D.f(x)= 4(6x)
I think that's how you put the exponents in standard notation

3^(2x) = (3^2)^x = 9^x

4 * 3^(2x) = 4 * 9^x

agree B but watch notation carefully :)

But what is the exponent ?

Please use standard notation.

To find the equivalent function to f(x) = 4(3)2x, we need to simplify the expression and remove any unnecessary parentheses or operations.

First, let's simplify the expression:
f(x) = 4(3)2x
Since the expression inside the parentheses (3) does not have any operations, we can remove the parentheses:
f(x) = 4 * 3 * 2x
Now, let's simplify the multiplication:
f(x) = 4 * 6x = 24x

So, the equivalent function to f(x) = 4(3)2x is f(x) = 24x.

Now, let's check the provided options and see which one matches our answer:
A. f(x) = 36x - Not equivalent, the coefficient is different.
B. f(x) = 4(9)x - Not equivalent, the exponent is different.
C. f(x) = 144x - Not equivalent, the coefficient is different.
D. f(x) = 4(6x) - Equivalent, the coefficients and exponents match.

Therefore, the correct option is D. f(x) = 4(6x).

It is exponents

if you are doing exponents please write superscripts with an arrow up

4^3 = 4*4*4 = 64

2^(2*3) = 2^6