Jorge's current hourly wage for working at Denti Smiles is $12.00. Jorge was told that at the beginning of next month, his new hourly wage will be an increase of 6% of his current hourly wage. What will be Jorge's new hourly wage?

F. $12.06
G. $12.60
H. $12.72
J. $18.00
K. $19.20

1.06 * 12 = ?



To find Jorge's new hourly wage, we need to calculate 6% of his current hourly wage and then add it to his current wage.

Step 1: Calculate the increase amount.
To calculate 6% of $12.00, we can use the formula: (current hourly wage * percentage increase/100)
So, 6% of $12.00 is (12 * 6/100) = $0.72.

Step 2: Add the increase amount to the current hourly wage.
Jorge's new hourly wage will be: $12.00 + $0.72 = $12.72.

Therefore, Jorge's new hourly wage will be $12.72. So, the answer is option H.