what a good way to learn geometry if you are completely clueless on what to do and you have a 65 and you only have 2 weeks to correct that

If you're starting from scratch and have a limited amount of time to improve your understanding of geometry, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Get a Geometry textbook or find online resources: Look for a comprehensive geometry textbook or access reputable online resources that provide clear explanations of geometric concepts and examples.

2. Identify your weak areas: Review your previous assignments, quizzes, or tests to determine the specific areas in which you struggled the most. Focus on these topics first.

3. Begin with the basics: Start by familiarizing yourself with the fundamental concepts of geometry such as points, lines, angles, triangles, and basic properties of shapes. Take notes while studying these concepts.

4. Seek visual aids: Geometry is a visual subject, so utilize diagrams, illustrations, and geometric shapes to enhance your understanding. Online tutorials or videos are often helpful in visualizing geometric concepts.

5. Practice, practice, practice: Solving problems is the key to mastering geometry. Start with simple exercises and gradually increase the difficulty level as you gain confidence. Practice regularly to reinforce your understanding.

6. Use online learning platforms and apps: There are many interactive geometry learning platforms and mobile apps available that provide practice problems, quizzes, and step-by-step explanations. Leverage these resources to reinforce your learning.

7. Seek additional help: If you still struggle with certain topics, consider seeking extra help. Approach your teacher, ask classmates for clarification, or find a tutor who specializes in geometry. Explaining your difficulties to someone else can reinforce your own understanding.

8. Review previous assignments: Look over your previous assignments and identify mistakes you made. Understand the correct solutions and learn from your errors.

9. Create a study schedule: Plan your study time strategically. Dedicate specific blocks of time each day to focus solely on geometry. Chunk your topics into manageable sections and allocate time to review and practice each concept.

10. Seek online resources for practice tests: Look for websites that offer geometry practice tests or sample problems. This will help you assess your progress and get familiar with the types of questions you may encounter on exams.

Remember, improving your understanding of geometry in just two weeks will require focused effort and consistent practice. Seek help when needed, stay determined, and build a strong foundation in each geometric concept one step at a time.