1) Following Reconstruction, Democrats returned to power in the former Confederate states and renewed the social and political oppression of southern African Americans.

What was one result of this situation?
A) African Americans became farm workers in the North.
B) Thousands of African American families migrated to the Midwest.
C) The Colonization movement settled African Americans in Liberia.
D) Southern African Americans refused to serve in the U.S. military.
My Answer~B
2) Why did immigrants support political machines?
A) to have more educational opportunities
B) to reform city governments
C) to get better public housing
D) to gain employment
My Answer~ D
4) The United States Federal Reserve System was established to
A) provide loans to industrialists
B) end the Great Depression
C) provide for a balanced budge
D) regulate the money supply
My Answer~D
5) An important political aim of the Progressive movement was to
A) guarantee government jobs for the unemployed
B) stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative and the referendum
C) create a unicameral national legislature
D) increase the participation of African Americans in the Federal Government
My Answer~B
6) A main purpose of President Theodore Roosevelt’s trustbusting policies was to
A) reduce corruption in government
B) save the nation’s banks
C) encourage competition in business
D) end strikes by labor unions
My Answer~ C
7) Speaker A: "The business of America is business, and we would be wise to remember that."
Speaker B:"Government ownership of business is superior to private enterprise."
Speaker C:"Strict government regulation of business practices is a means to insure the public good."
Speaker D:"Only through personal effort can wealth and success be achieved."
Which speaker would most likely have supported the ideas of the Progressive movement?
A) Speaker A
B) Speaker B
C) Speaker C
D) Speaker D
My Answer~C
8) In the early 20th century, muckrakers were able to influence American society mainly through their
A) frequent acts of civil disobedience
B) activities as government officials
C) publication of articles and books
D) control over factories
My Answer~C
9) A belief shared by Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson is that the Federal Government should
A) allow the free-enterprise system to work without regulation
B) use its power to regulate unfair business practices
C) provide jobs for unemployed workers
D) support unions in labor-management disputes
My Answer~B
10) Which long-awaited goal of the women’s rights movement was achieved during the Progressive Era?
A) right to vote
B) right to own property
C) equal pay for equal work
D) equal access to employment and education
My Answer~A

Can someone please check my answers?

I can definitely help you check your answers! Here's a breakdown of each question and its correct answer:

1) Following Reconstruction, Democrats returned to power in the former Confederate states and renewed the social and political oppression of southern African Americans. One result of this situation was B) Thousands of African American families migrated to the Midwest. This is the correct answer as many African Americans sought better opportunities and escape from oppression by moving to the northern states.

2) Immigrants supported political machines primarily to gain employment. The correct answer is D) to gain employment. Political machines often provided job opportunities and assistance to immigrants in exchange for political support.

3) The United States Federal Reserve System was established to regulate the money supply. The correct answer is D) regulate the money supply. The Federal Reserve System was created to oversee the country's banking system and manage monetary policy.

4) An important political aim of the Progressive movement was to stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative and the referendum. The correct answer is B) stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative and the referendum. The Progressives aimed to increase citizen participation in the political process and enhance democracy.

5) President Theodore Roosevelt's trust-busting policies aimed primarily to encourage competition in business. The correct answer is C) encourage competition in business. Roosevelt believed that breaking up monopolies and promoting competition was beneficial for the economy and consumers.

6) Speaker C, who supports strict government regulation of business practices as a means to ensure the public good, would most likely have supported the ideas of the Progressive movement. The correct answer is C) Speaker C.

7) Muckrakers were able to influence American society mainly through their publication of articles and books. The correct answer is C) publication of articles and books. Muckrakers exposed corruption and social issues through their writings.

8) The belief shared by Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson is that the Federal Government should use its power to regulate unfair business practices. The correct answer is B) use its power to regulate unfair business practices.

9) The long-awaited goal of the women's rights movement that was achieved during the Progressive Era was the right to vote. The correct answer is A) right to vote.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.