Can someone help me what are good websites to find this information in. Thanks.....or any hits help will be awsome.

Considering issues facing the Juvenile court system today, and appraise the efficacy of juvenile justice policy in our modern society. What are the major differences? Do you feel that policies in the past were more effective than current policy? Support your answer with examples.

These are conclusions you must make for yourself from the information available.

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "juvenile justice policy" to get these possible sources:

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(Broken Link Removed)

This should give you a good start. I hope it helps. Thanks for asking.

To find information on issues facing the Juvenile court system and to appraise the efficacy of juvenile justice policy in our modern society, you can try using the following approaches.

1. Search Engines: Use popular search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo and enter keywords and phrases related to the topic. For example, you can search for "issues facing the Juvenile court system today" or "evaluating efficacy of juvenile justice policy." This will provide you with a list of websites, articles, reports, and other resources that discuss these topics.

2. Government Websites: Visit official websites of government agencies involved in juvenile justice, such as the Department of Justice or the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. These websites often provide research, reports, and statistics on juvenile justice policies and issues.

3. Academic Databases: Access scholarly databases like JSTOR, ProQuest, or Google Scholar. These databases contain peer-reviewed articles, research papers, and studies conducted by experts in the field of juvenile justice. You can search for specific keywords or use advanced search options to narrow down your results.

4. Professional Organizations: Explore websites of professional organizations related to juvenile justice, such as the American Bar Association or the National Juvenile Justice Network. These organizations often publish reports, position papers, and resources that address various aspects of juvenile justice policy.

5. Online Journals and Publications: Look for reputable online journals and publications that focus on juvenile justice. Examples include the Journal of Juvenile Justice or Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. These publications often contain valuable research and analysis on current policies and their effectiveness.

Remember that evaluating the efficacy of juvenile justice policy involves understanding historical context, analyzing current policy initiatives, and considering the outcomes and impact on society. Therefore, it is important to examine multiple sources, consider different perspectives, and critically evaluate the information you find.

In conclusion, to find relevant information on the issues facing the Juvenile court system and to assess the effectiveness of current juvenile justice policies, try utilizing search engines, government websites, academic databases, professional organizations, and online journals/publications. Analyze the information you gather and use it to support your arguments and conclusions.