Graph the solution of the inequality. x<3


To graph the solution of the inequality x < 3, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a number line and label it from left to right.
Step 2: Mark the value 3 on the number line with a solid dot. This indicates that 3 is not included in the solution.
Step 3: Shade the region to the left of the dotted point on the number line. This represents all the values that are less than 3.

So, the graph of the solution x < 3 would look like this:

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 ...

All the values to the left of the solid dot are less than 3 and satisfy the inequality.

draw the number line.

place a small open circle at x=3.
Shade everything to the left of the circle.
