what is 4,000 in roman numerals

MV (the V has to have a bar over it)... now answer my HARD question under Lia =)

But isn't MV 1,005??

I know that this is incredibly late, but 4,000 is written as IV with the bar above both the I and V. To me, it looks like the bars are over the 1/1000 of the starting numeral. So 6,000 is VM with the bar over the V as it's (5),000 + 1,000 for example. But MV with the bar over the V wouldn't work as the bar isn't over the starting numeral, and if the bar was over both, it wouldn't equate to 1/1000 of 4,000, as MV is 1,005 (if that makes sense). I could be totally wrong here, but those are the only reasons I could think of.

I apologize for the confusion. You're correct, MV represents 1,005 in Roman numerals.

To represent the number 4,000 in Roman numerals, you can use the symbol CD followed by another CD. So, 4,000 in Roman numerals is written as CD (with a bar over it).

Actually, MV represents the number 4,005 in Roman numerals.

To convert 4,000 to Roman numerals, you can break it down into its components. The Roman numeral for 4 is represented by the letter IV, and for 1,000, it is represented by the letter M. So when you combine IV and M, you get MV, which represents the number 4,000 in Roman numerals.

Now, onto your hard question! Please go ahead and ask, Lia. I'll do my best to answer it and explain the process.