when making a batch of orange juice for her basketball team, Jackie used 5 time as much water as concentrate, There were 32 more cups of water than concentrate.How much juice did she make in all. She poured the juice into quart containers. How many containers could she fill



To find out how much juice Jackie made in total, we need to determine the quantities of both concentrate and water used.

Let's suppose the amount of concentrate used is C cups.
Since Jackie used 5 times as much water as concentrate, the amount of water used is 5C cups.
According to the given information, there were 32 more cups of water than concentrate. So, we can set up the equation:

5C = C + 32

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of C.

5C - C = 32
4C = 32
C = 8

Therefore, the amount of concentrate used, C, is 8 cups, and the amount of water used is 5C, which is 5 * 8 = 40 cups.

To calculate the total amount of juice made, we add the quantities of concentrate and water:
Total juice = Concentrate + Water = 8 cups + 40 cups = 48 cups

Now, let's move on to determine how many quart containers she can fill.

Since 1 quart is equal to 4 cups, divide the total amount of juice by 4 to find the number of quart containers she can fill:

Number of quart containers = Total juice / 4 = 48 cups / 4 = 12 quart containers

Therefore, Jackie can fill 12 quart containers with the orange juice she made.