why does the author of always to remember discuss maya ying lin's background? A. to show that she expericenced hardship. B. to show it's influence on her design. C to appeal to Chinese-American readers. D. To show she dis interest in architecture.

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The answer is C.

To determine why the author of "Always to Remember" discusses Maya Ying Lin's background, we can examine the passage or related information. However, without the specific context of the passage or information about the author's intentions, we can only infer the most probable reason based on common practices or assumptions.

In this case, the most likely reason for discussing Maya Ying Lin's background would be B. to show its influence on her design. By providing information about her background, the author can help readers understand the factors that influenced Lin's artistic choices and the overall significance of her design. This understanding adds depth to the interpretation of her work and helps readers appreciate the connections between her personal experiences and the memorial she created.

To confirm this answer or explore other possibilities, it's suggested to refer to the specific passage or related materials where Maya Ying Lin's background is discussed. Understanding the author's intentions is crucial for accurately answering questions about the author's motives or purpose.