Create an image that is an interpretation of a scene from a science fiction story. In the scene, two individuals named Travis and Lesperance are engaged in an intense conversation in a lush, prehistoric jungle environment. The body language and facial expressions convey that one individual, Travis, is greatly perturbed while the other, Lesperance, is more composed. In the background, a distinct path leading out of the scene is visible. Please include no text in the image.

In “A Sound of Thunder,” Travis’s dialogue with Lesperance reveals how upset he is about Eckels’ having left the path. This is an example of

direct characterization.********
indirect characterization.

1. B. indirect characterization.

2. C. subconscious
3. B. The travelers saw pterodactyls, bats, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

thank you long-time Connexus User 100% right

I researched more into my lesson and it was Indirect characterization thanks for stopping in to help me I got it :)

1. B

2. C
3. B



Thanks long term connexus user

For me the answers are

1. B. indirect characterization
2. C. Subconscious
3. B. The travelers saw a pterodactyls, bats, and a Tyrannosaurus rex.
like Ruby, bun patty lettuce tomatoes bun=, Jewish , --Rest In Paradise--, dingus, and Long-time Connexus User all said.


Long time Connexus User is right


Lesson 2 Unit 4
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