Please, anyone who can help? pseudocode to display the next date of a Gregorian date given by a user considering a leap year. (just a language independent pseucode) I'm exhausted right now

assuming you have filled in an array (call it days) of 12 elements, each with the number of days in the month,

get date (m/d/y)
split into month,day,year

if day < days[month] then
else if month < 12 then
display month/day/year

You can also fill an array of month names, and display monthname[month] instead of the month number.

Of course! Here's a pseudocode solution to display the next date of a Gregorian date, taking into account leap years:

1. Read the input Gregorian date from the user (day, month, and year).
2. Initialize variables: nextDay = 0, nextMonth = 0, nextYear = 0.
3. Set the maximum number of days for each month in an array called daysInMonth.
4. Check if the input year is a leap year:
4.1 If the year is divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100, or it is divisible by 400,
then it is a leap year, and set a boolean variable isLeapYear = true.
4.2 Otherwise, set isLeapYear = false.
5. Check if the current month has 31 days:
5.1 If the month is 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, or 12, set maxDaysInMonth = 31.
5.2 Otherwise, set maxDaysInMonth = 30.
6. Check if the current day is equal to maxDaysInMonth:
6.1 If true, set nextDay = 1.
6.2 If false, set nextDay = currentDay + 1.
7. Check if the current day is the last day of February:
7.1 If true and isLeapYear is true, set nextMonth = 3 and nextDay = 1.
7.2 If true and isLeapYear is false, set nextMonth = 3 and nextDay = 1.
7.3 If false, set nextMonth = currentMonth.
8. Check if the current month is December:
8.1 If true, set nextYear = currentYear + 1 and nextMonth = 1.
8.2 If false, set nextYear = currentYear and nextMonth = currentMonth + 1.
9. Display the next date as nextDay/nextMonth/nextYear.

This pseudocode will help you implement the functionality to display the next date of a given Gregorian date, considering leap years, in any programming language of your choice.