Jessica left the mall and drove toward the desert at an average speed of 40 mph. Shreya left one hour later and drove in the same direction but with an average speed of 60 mph. How long did

Your question is incomplete but I will assume you want to find when she will overtake her

let the time taken by Jessica be t hrs

distance covered by 40t
distance covered by Shreya = 60(t-1)
but those distances are equal

60(t-1) = 40t
60t - 60 = 40t
20t = 60
state the conclusion

it take Shreya to catch up to Jessica?

To solve this problem, we need to find the time it takes for Shreya to catch up to Jessica. We can first determine the head start Jessica had by using her average speed and the time she drove for.

Let's assume that when Shreya catches up to Jessica, they have both been driving for a total of t hours. Since Jessica drove for one hour longer than Shreya, we can say that she drove for t + 1 hours.

Distance = Speed * Time

For Jessica:
Distance Jessica traveled = Speed Jessica * Time Jessica
Distance Jessica traveled = 40 mph * (t + 1)

For Shreya:
Distance Shreya traveled = Speed Shreya * Time Shreya
Distance Shreya traveled = 60 mph * t

Since Shreya caught up to Jessica, their distances traveled must be equal:

Distance Jessica traveled = Distance Shreya traveled
40 mph * (t + 1) = 60 mph * t

Simplifying the equation:

40t + 40 = 60t
40 = 20t
t = 2

So, it took Shreya 2 hours to catch up to Jessica.