In how many ways can 4 boys and 4 girls sit around a circle table if all the boys sit together? (Rotations of the same arrangement are still considered the same. Each boy and girl is unique, not interchangeable.)

help me!

The arrangement around the table must be of the form BGBGBGBG. We can place the first boy anywhere; we then have $3! = 6$ ways of placing the remaining boys and $4! = 24$ ways of placing the girls. This gives a total of $6\cdot 24 = \boxed{144}$ arrangements

To solve this problem, we can think of the group of 4 boys as a single entity. So, we will have 5 entities in total - the group of 4 boys and the 4 girls.

Now, let's fix the position of the group of 4 boys. Since they need to sit together, we can think of them as a single unit. This gives us 5 units to arrange around the circular table.

The number of ways to arrange these entities around the circle is given by the formula (n-1)!, where n is the number of entities. In this case, we have 5 entities to arrange, so the number of ways is (5-1)! = 4!.

However, we need to consider that within the group of 4 boys, they can be arranged among themselves in 4! ways. So, we need to multiply the previous result by 4!.

Therefore, the total number of ways for the 4 boys and 4 girls to sit around the table, with all the boys sitting together, is 4! * 4! = 24 * 24 = 576 ways.