When you are doing a glide reflection how does the line of reflection being y=1 affect the final answer? Can someone help me with that...start with (-3,-3) and the translation is (x+5,y) I think the the x will be (2, but unsure what happens to the y) help somebody..

I looks like your transformation is

(x,y) ----> (x+5,y)

so (-3,3) ----> (2,3)
notice that y stays the same

I don't know how your y = 1 enters the picture.
Are there two different questions in your post?

no just one Reiny and the original is (-3,-3) not (-3,3) so how would that effect the answer

When performing a glide reflection, the line of reflection affects the final answer by determining how the points are reflected. In this case, the line of reflection is y = 1.

To understand how the line of reflection affects the result, let's go step by step:

1. Start with the initial point (-3, -3).
2. Apply the translation (x + 5, y). Add 5 to the x-coordinate but keep the y-coordinate the same. This gives us the point (2, -3).

Now, we need to consider the line of reflection y = 1.

3. Reflect the point (2, -3) across the line y = 1. To do this, imagine drawing a line perpendicular to the line of reflection from the original point to the line. Then, extend this line by the same length on the other side of the line of reflection. The reflected point will now be on this extended line.

4. In this case, the distance between the original point (2, -3) and the line of reflection y = 1 is 1 unit. So, we need to move 1 unit in the opposite direction, below the line of reflection, to find the reflected point. Therefore, the y-coordinate will be 1 unit below 1, which gives us the result (2, 0).

So, when you perform the glide reflection with the line of reflection y = 1 starting from the point (-3, -3) and applying the translation (x + 5, y), the final result will be (2, 0).