solve each equation and check the result

7 3 40
x-5 - x+5 = x^2 - 25

there is a line in between each equation

how would i start something like this?

Surely there is an explanation, it makes no sense to me.

its solving rational equations

7 3 40
- - - = -
x-5 x+5 x^2-25

sorry i don't know how else to put the equation on the forum

Is this

7/(x-5) - 3/(x+5) = 40/(x^2-25) ?

If so get a common denominator (x^2-25) so it becomes
and one can solve that. Otherwise, I can make no sense from your problem.

yes that is it thank you

To solve the given equation, start by simplifying both sides of the equation.

The equation is:

(x - 5) - (x + 5) = x^2 - 25

On the left side of the equation, apply the distributive property to remove the parentheses:

x - 5 - x - 5 = x^2 - 25

Combine like terms:

-10 = x^2 - 25

Now, rearrange the terms to have the equation in standard form:

x^2 = -10 + 25

x^2 = 15

Next, take the square root of both sides of the equation. Remember to consider both positive and negative roots:

x = ±√15

So the two potential solutions are x = √15 and x = -√15.

To check if these solutions are correct, substitute them back into the original equation and verify if both sides of the equation are equal.

For x = √15:

Left side of the equation:
(√15 - 5) - (√15 + 5) = (√15 - √15) + (-5 - 5) = -10

Right side of the equation:
(√15)^2 - 25 = 15 - 25 = -10

Both sides of the equation are equal (-10 = -10), so x = √15 is a valid solution.

For x = -√15:

Left side of the equation:
(-√15 - 5) - (-√15 + 5) = (-√15 + √15) + (-5 - 5) = -10

Right side of the equation:
(-√15)^2 - 25 = 15 - 25 = -10

Both sides of the equation are equal (-10 = -10), so x = -√15 is also a valid solution.

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are x = √15 and x = -√15.