1. The first successfully established English colony in North America was (1 point)

New York.
Santa Fe.
2. Protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican Church were called (1 point)
3. How did the British get control of New York? (1 point)
They bought New York from the Dutch.
The Dutch surrendered New York to the British fleet.
The settlers voted to put the British in power.
The Dutch abandoned the settlement.
4. The colony of Georgia served as a military barrier between (1 point)
Catholics and Protestants.
French Canada and the West Indies.
Spanish Florida and British South Carolina.
Mexico and Spanish California.
5. Which of the following is not a type of North American colony? (1 point)
charter colonies
proprietary colonies
royal colonies
military colonies
6. What is a representative government? (1 point)
One person governs.
Religious leaders govern.
People elect representatives.
Congress elects a president.
7. Which two European countries fought for control of North America in the 1600s and 1700s? (1 point)
England and France
Italy and Spain
Russia and Canada
Netherlands and Switzerland
8. What agreement stopped settlers from moving farther west? (1 point)
Iroquois Confederacy
Albany Plan of Union
Treaty of Paris
Proclamation of 1763
9. What crop helped the Virginia colony grow and prosper in the early 1600s? (1 point)
10. How did Chief Pontiac unite the native Americans in the Great Lakes region? (1 point)
He signed treaties
He attacked local settlers
He created and alliance
He captured fort Pitt


My Answers:
2. Puritans
3. The Dutch surrendered New York to the British fleet.
4. Spanish Florida and British South Carolina
5. military colonies
6. people elect representatives
7. England and France
8. Proclamation of 1763
9. tobacco
10. He created and alliance

You are correct on all ten. Good for you!

Yay :D

1. Correct, the first successfully established English colony in North America was Jamestown.

2. Correct, Protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican Church were called Puritans.
3. Correct, the British gained control of New York when the Dutch surrendered it to the British fleet.
4. Correct, the colony of Georgia served as a military barrier between Spanish Florida and British South Carolina.
5. Correct, military colonies are not a type of North American colony.
6. Correct, a representative government is where people elect representatives to govern.
7. Correct, England and France fought for control of North America in the 1600s and 1700s.
8. Correct, the Proclamation of 1763 stopped settlers from moving farther west.
9. Correct, the crop that helped the Virginia colony grow and prosper in the early 1600s was tobacco.
10. Correct, Chief Pontiac united the native Americans in the Great Lakes region by creating an alliance.

1. Correct! The first successfully established English colony in North America was Jamestown. This can be found by studying the history of English colonization in North America.

2. Correct! Protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican Church were called Puritans. This can be found by studying the history of Protestantism in England.
3. Correct! The British got control of New York when the Dutch surrendered New York to the British fleet. This can be found by studying the history of New York colonization.
4. Correct! The colony of Georgia served as a military barrier between Spanish Florida and British South Carolina. This can be found by studying the history of the Georgia colony.
5. Correct! Military colonies are not a type of North American colony. The other three options - charter colonies, proprietary colonies, and royal colonies - are all valid types of North American colonies. This can be found by studying the different types of North American colonies.
6. Correct! A representative government is a form of government where people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This can be understood by understanding the concept of representative government.
7. Correct! England and France were the two European countries that fought for control of North America in the 1600s and 1700s. This can be found by studying the history of European colonization in North America.
8. Correct! The agreement that stopped settlers from moving farther west was the Proclamation of 1763. This can be found by studying the history of westward expansion in North America.
9. Correct! The crop that helped the Virginia colony grow and prosper in the early 1600s was tobacco. This can be found by studying the economic activities of the Virginia colony.
10. Correct! Chief Pontiac united the Native Americans in the Great Lakes region by creating an alliance. This can be found by studying the history of Chief Pontiac and Native American alliances.