How does the interaction between waverly develop over the course of the passage "rules of the game."

With whom is Waverly interacting?

Who is the author of "Rules of the Game"?

I believe Amy tan

Waverlys mother.. She is interacting with... I have to write a quick write but I don't understand it

Thank you so much

You're very welcome.

To analyze the development of the interaction between Waverly and the other characters in the passage "Rules of the Game," first, it is essential to read and understand the passage thoroughly. In this case, "Rules of the Game" refers to a short story written by Amy Tan.

1. Read the passage: Start by carefully reading the passage to understand the characters involved, their relationships, and how their interactions evolve over time. Pay attention to the specific details provided about each character, as well as the dialogue and actions that take place.

2. Identify the characters and their relationships: Determine who the main characters are and how they are connected. In "Rules of the Game," the central character is Waverly, a young girl of Chinese descent, and her mother, Lindo Jong. Note any other significant characters that enter the story and their respective roles.

3. Observe the initial interaction: Begin by examining the initial interaction between Waverly and the other characters, particularly her mother. Note any clues about their relationship and potential conflicts or tensions that arise. Look for descriptions of body language, dialogue, and expressions that reveal their dynamics.

4. Examine conflicts and challenges: Look for any conflicts or challenges that arise during the passage, focusing on how they affect the interaction between Waverly and the other characters. Note any changes in their communication, attitude, or power dynamics. These conflicts may be related to cultural differences, personal ambitions, or generational gaps.

5. Analyze character growth and development: As you progress through the passage, observe how the characters develop and change. Note any shifts in their attitudes, beliefs, or perspectives. Pay attention to transformations in Waverly's understanding of herself, her mother, and the game of chess, as these are central to the story.

6. Evaluate the resolution: Finally, consider how the passage concludes and whether there is any growth or reconciliation between Waverly and the other characters. Reflect on any lessons or insights the characters may have learned.

By following these steps, you can closely observe and analyze the development of the interaction between Waverly and the other characters in the passage "Rules of the Game."