Which choice is a sentence fragment?

Question options:

Turning on the light, he suddenly got a shock.

In the first year, Julio won three blue ribbons.

Maggie's photos displayed in the lobby.

We swept the floor first and then washed dishes.

Its either the first one or the third one.

Now you try to figure out which one it is.
Good Luck! :) :-)

Well, which is it? A tutor will be glad to check your answer. Remember, a sentence has a subject and a verb.

The sentence fragment in the given question options is "Maggie's photos displayed in the lobby." This option does not form a complete sentence because it is missing a subject and a verb. To identify sentence fragments, you need to look for groups of words that do not express a complete thought on their own. In this case, "Maggie's photos displayed in the lobby" is a phrase instead of a complete sentence. To fix this fragment, you could add a subject and a verb, such as "Maggie's photos were displayed in the lobby."