1) How was the Yosemite Valley formed?

A: ?

2) How did the establishment of the national park system help to conserve natural resources?

A: The establishment of the national park system provided a safe haven for wildlife and put millions of acres of land under federal protection, ultimately conserving the natural resources in the regions.


1) The Yosemite Valley was formed through a combination of geological processes over millions of years. It was shaped by glacial action during the last ice age, as glaciers carved out the distinctive U-shaped valley and polished the granite walls. The area was also influenced by tectonic activity, with the uplift of the Sierra Nevada mountain range and subsequent erosion creating the steep cliffs and waterfalls that characterize the valley today.

To learn more about the specific geological processes involved in the formation of Yosemite Valley, you could consult a geology textbook, search for scientific papers or articles on this topic, or visit a trusted educational website that specializes in geology.

2) The establishment of the national park system in the United States helped to conserve natural resources in several ways. Here's how you can explain it:

- Preservation of Wildlife: National parks provide protected habitats for diverse ecosystems and wildlife. The strict regulations and enforcement within these parks help prevent hunting, habitat destruction, and other activities that threaten the survival of animal and plant species.

- Conservation of Land: Millions of acres of land across the country have been designated as national parks, ensuring their preservation for future generations. By putting these areas under federal protection, the national park system prevents urban development, industrial activities, and resource extraction that could harm the environment and deplete natural resources.

- Environmental Education: National parks serve as valuable educational resources, offering visitors the opportunity to learn about the importance of conservation, biodiversity, and sustainable practices. Through interpretive programs, guided tours, and visitor centers, the national park system raises awareness and promotes a sense of stewardship for natural resources.

To explore this topic further, you could research books, articles, and studies on the history and impact of the national park system, or visit the official website of the National Park Service for specific information about conservation efforts.