Mark needs to cut a piece of glass to replace a broken window. He has four pieces of glass: 6

feet long, 5 feet long, 3 feet long, and 7 feet long. If the length of the glass he needs to cut is
feet long, which piece of glass should he cut to have the least amount of unused glass?

A)3 feet
B)5 feet
C)6 feet
D)7 feet

I think it's A

Square root 20

√20 = 4.4721

How long does the glass need to be?

To determine which piece of glass Mark should cut to have the least amount of unused glass, we need to find the difference between the length of the glass he needs to cut and the length of each available piece of glass. The piece of glass with the smallest difference will result in the least amount of unused glass.

Let's calculate the differences:

1) 6 feet - length needed
2) 5 feet - length needed
3) 3 feet - length needed
4) 7 feet - length needed

To find the smallest difference, subtract the length needed from each piece of glass and compare the results:

1) 6 feet - length needed = 6 - length needed
2) 5 feet - length needed = 5 - length needed
3) 3 feet - length needed = 3 - length needed
4) 7 feet - length needed = 7 - length needed

Since we don't know the length needed, we can't determine the exact difference for each option. However, we can still compare the options.

If the length needed is smaller than all the available pieces, option A (3 feet) will have the smallest difference, as subtracting a larger number will result in a larger difference. Therefore, option A is the best choice.

So, you are correct. Option A (3 feet) is the piece of glass that Mark should cut to have the least amount of unused glass.