Monica earned $60 from a bonus plus $8.50 per hour (h) she worked this week. Which of the following expressions best represents Monica's income for the week?

The expression that represents Monica's income for the week can be written as:

Income = $60 + $8.50 * h

The first part of the expression, $60, represents the bonus that Monica earned for the week. The second part, $8.50 * h, represents the amount of money she earned per hour worked. By multiplying the hourly rate, $8.50, by the number of hours worked, represented by h, we can calculate her income based on the hours worked.

To determine the expression that represents Monica's income for the week, we need to consider the $60 bonus that she earned plus the money she earned per hour worked.

Let's denote Monica's income for the week as "I".

We know that Monica earned $60 from the bonus, so we can add that to our expression: 60.

Next, Monica earned $8.50 per hour worked. Since we don't know the exact number of hours she worked, we can represent it using "h". Therefore, the amount Monica earned from working would be 8.50h.

Now, we can combine both parts to represent Monica's total income for the week:

I = 60 + 8.50h

Therefore, the expression that best represents Monica's income for the week is 60 + 8.50h.

60 + 8.50h * 7

Because she has earned $60 in a bonus plus 8.50, there is no way you can figure the hours she worked out, so you'll put the 'h' next to it to show that you're multiply 8.50 by an unknown number. Then multiply by 7 to show a week.

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