Trina works after school and on weekends. She always works three days each week. This week she worked 2 3/4 hrs on Monday. 3 3/5 hrs on Friday and 5 1/2 hrs on Saturday. Next week she plans to work the same number of hrs as this week but will work the same number of hrs each day. How many hrs will she work on each day?

Add the hours she worked this week.

Then divide the sum by 3 to find the number of hours she will work each day next week.

Is the answer 3.95

Yes, 3.95 hours

add the hours of the week b4 and divide by 3 days (# of days working per wk)

To find out how many hours Trina will work each day next week, we need to add up the hours she worked this week and divide it by the number of days she worked.

This week, she worked a total of 2 3/4 hours on Monday, 3 3/5 hours on Friday, and 5 1/2 hours on Saturday. To add these fractions and mixed numbers, we need to find a common denominator.

The denominators for the fractions are 4, 5, and 2, respectively. The least common multiple (LCM) of these numbers is 20. So, we can rewrite the given hours in terms of twentieths:

2 3/4 hours = (2 * 20) + (3/4 * 20) = 40 + 15 = 55 twentieths of an hour
3 3/5 hours = (3 * 20) + (3/5 * 20) = 60 + 12 = 72 twentieths of an hour
5 1/2 hours = (5 * 20) + (1/2 * 20) = 100 + 10 = 110 twentieths of an hour

Now, let's add up these hours:
55 twentieths + 72 twentieths + 110 twentieths = 237 twentieths of an hour

Since Trina worked three days this week, we can divide the total number of twentieths by three to get the average number of twentieths per day:

237 twentieths ÷ 3 = 79 twentieths of an hour per day

Finally, we need to convert the twentieths back into hours. Since there are 20 twentieths in a hour, we can divide 79 twentieths by 20:

79 twentieths ÷ 20 = 3.95 hours

Therefore, Trina plans to work approximately 3.95 hours per day next week.

What is it in fraction form?