A construction crew built 6 miles of road in 2/7 days.

what is the unit rate in the miles per day?

6/(2/7) = x/1

(2/7x) = 6

x = 6 / (2/7)

x = 6 * (7/2)

x = 42/2 = 21 miles a day

To find the unit rate in miles per day, divide the distance (6 miles) by the time (2/7 days).

To divide a fraction by another fraction, you multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

So, the unit rate in miles per day is:

(6 miles) / (2/7 days) = 6 miles * (7/2 days) = (6 * 7) / (2) = 42/2 = 21 miles per day.

Therefore, the unit rate in miles per day is 21 miles per day.

To find the unit rate in miles per day, we divide the total miles by the number of days it took to build them. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Divide the total miles by the number of days.
6 miles ÷ (2/7) days

Step 2: Simplify the division by multiplying the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator.
6 miles × (7/2) = 21 miles

Step 3: The unit rate is 21 miles per day.

So, the unit rate in miles per day for the construction crew is 21 miles per day.