Do i have to write about an artist for my poject on prehistoric history

How should we know? Ask your teacher.

No, you do not have to write about an artist for your project on prehistoric history. Prehistoric history refers to the time period before the invention of writing systems, so there were no written texts or artistic records from that time. Instead, prehistoric history primarily focuses on studying archaeological evidence, such as tools, artifacts, and human fossils, to understand the lives, cultures, and developments of prehistoric humans.

For your project, you can explore various aspects of prehistoric history, including:
1. The development of early human civilizations.
2. The discovery and use of fire.
3. The emergence of agriculture and the transition from hunting and gathering to settled farming communities.
4. The creation and use of tools and weapons.
5. The development of early art, such as cave paintings and figurines, and their significance.

By researching these topics, you can provide a comprehensive understanding of prehistoric history without the need to focus specifically on artists or their works.