How do I find all line through (, -1) for which the product of the x- & y- intercepts is 3?

You forgot the x value of your given point.

I will insert an arbitrary value of 2, give you a solution and then you can follow that method for your correct point.

Let the equation be y = mx + b
but the point (2,-1) is on it, so
-1 = 2m + b
b = -1/(2m)

the equation would then be
y = mx - 1/(2m)

y-intercept is -1/(2m)
x-intercept: let y=0 ---> x =1/(2m^2)

given: (-1/(2m))*(1/(2m^2)) = 3

12m^3 = -1
m = -1/cuberoot(12)

put that back in y = mx - 1/(2m)