Nils has 60 mins for 20 question test. It take 20 min for her to answer 12 questions. What is the greatest amount of time she can take for each of the 8 remaining questions

(60 - 20) / 8 = _____ minutes

Thank you Ms. Sue!

Thank you Ms. Sue! How do I turn this into an inequality?

60 - 20) / 8 <= _____ minutes

You're welcome.

To find out the greatest amount of time Nils can take for each of the 8 remaining questions, we first need to calculate how much time she has already spent on the first 12 questions.

We know that Nils took 20 minutes to answer 12 questions. Therefore, to find out how much time she took for each question, we divide the total time by the number of questions:

Time per question = Total time / Number of questions

Time per question = 20 minutes / 12 questions

Time per question = 1.67 minutes/question (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, we can calculate the time Nils has remaining for the remaining 8 questions:

Total time = 60 minutes
Time spent on first 12 questions = 20 minutes
Remaining time = Total time - Time spent on first 12 questions

Remaining time = 60 minutes - 20 minutes

Remaining time = 40 minutes

To find out the greatest amount of time Nils can take for each of the 8 remaining questions, we divide the remaining time by the number of remaining questions:

Time per question (remaining) = Remaining time / Number of remaining questions

Time per question (remaining) = 40 minutes / 8 questions

Time per question (remaining) = 5 minutes/question

Therefore, the greatest amount of time Nils can take for each of the 8 remaining questions is 5 minutes.