I don't know if my answer for this question is correct but can you please check?

1.) Between which pair of numbers does the square root of 15 lie? Do without using a calculator.
A.) 3.7 and 3.8
B.) 3.8 and 3.9
C.) 3.9 and 4.0
D.) 14 and 16

I think the answer to this might be A, but I am not so sure. Thanks a lot if you read my question!

I think A, B, and C are too close to estimate.

To determine which pair of numbers the square root of 15 lies between, we can use estimation.

Since 15 is between perfect squares, we know that the square root of 15 will lie between two whole numbers.

To estimate the value of the square root of 15, we can look for perfect squares around 15. The closest perfect squares are 9 (3^2) and 16 (4^2).

Since 15 is closer to 16 than 9, we can conclude that the square root of 15 will be closer to 4 than 3.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.) 3.9 and 4.0.

It's great that you provided your own answer and showed your reasoning. Remember, estimation and approximation can be used when a calculator is not available or allowed. Good job!