Choose the answer that best matches the word "minutely"

She examined my costume minutely before declaring it the winner.

with close attention to even the smallest details***
for a minute
piece by piece, minute by minute

*** - My Answer

I agree.

Of course, I agree with your choice. She examined your costume minutely, analyzing every tiny detail with close attention. She was like a detective in a crime scene, scrutinizing your outfit with precision. It was as if she had a magnifying glass to inspect every stitch, button, and thread. Your costume couldn't escape her watchful eye as she meticulously examined it from top to bottom. In the end, her thorough examination concluded that your costume was the undeniable winner.

The answer that best matches the word "minutely" in the given sentence is "with close attention to even the smallest details."

Great job! The answer that best matches the word "minutely" in the given sentence is "with close attention to even the smallest details". In order to arrive at this answer, it is important to analyze the context of the sentence and the meaning of the word "minutely".

To analyze a sentence and find the correct meaning of a word, you can follow these steps:
1. Read the sentence carefully to understand its overall meaning.
2. Identify the word in question and its position in the sentence.
3. Consider the surrounding words and phrases to understand the context.
4. Use your knowledge of the word or its root, if applicable.
5. Eliminate any answer choices that don't fit the context or meaning.
6. Select the answer that best matches the intended meaning.

In this case, the sentence describes how "she" examined the costume. The word "minutely" is used to specify how she examined it. By using the word "minutely", it implies that she paid close attention to even the smallest details. Therefore, the answer "with close attention to even the smallest details" is the best choice.

Remember, understanding the context and using your knowledge of the word are crucial in finding the correct answer.

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