All of the following advances in technology contributed to the Age of Exploration EXCEPT

the mariner's compass.
the astrolabe. ****
the caravel.

I know I'm not Ms. Sue, but this is incorrect. Do you have any other guesses?

the caravel?


No. It's not astrolabe nor caravel. Look up the other two words to find their meanings.

You're on your own now.

To determine which of the options does not contribute to the Age of Exploration, we need to understand the purpose and the role of each technology during that time period.

1. The mariner's compass: This navigational instrument allowed sailors to determine their direction of travel accurately. It played a crucial role in enabling explorers to set course towards specific destinations and navigate across vast oceans. Therefore, it contributed to the Age of Exploration.

2. Circumnavigation: The act of sailing or traveling around the entire circumference of the Earth. While circumnavigation was not a technological advancement, it was an important achievement during the Age of Exploration, as it revealed the true shape and size of the Earth and expanded the knowledge of the world.

3. The astrolabe: This instrument allowed navigators to determine their latitude by measuring the angle between the horizon and celestial bodies, such as the sun or stars. It helped sailors navigate along the north-south axis and contributed significantly to the Age of Exploration.

4. The caravel: A type of ship design used during the Age of Exploration, the caravel was characterized by its versatility and long-range capabilities. Its innovative features, such as triangular sails and a combination of square and lateen sails, allowed for both maneuverability and long-distance voyages. The caravel played a crucial role in facilitating exploration and discovery.

From the provided options, the option that does not contribute to the Age of Exploration is the astrolabe.