

use inverse operations to solve each equation. Explain each step and identify the propaty used to reach steps.


solve the equation : expiation each step and identify the property used to reach each step



the first one is 5

To solve the equation 2 + 3m = 17 using inverse operations, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by subtracting 2 from both sides to isolate the variable term on one side:
(2 + 3m) - 2 = 17 - 2
3m = 15

The property used in this step is the subtraction property of equality.

Step 2: Since 3m means 3 times m, to isolate m, divide both sides by 3:
(3m)/3 = 15/3
m = 5

The property used in this step is the division property of equality.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 2 + 3m = 17 is m = 5.

Now, let's solve the equation 19 = h/3 - 8 using inverse operations:

Step 1: Start by adding 8 to both sides to isolate the variable term on one side:
19 + 8 = h/3 - 8 + 8
27 = h/3

The property used in this step is the addition property of equality.

Step 2: To isolate h, multiply both sides by 3:
3 * 27 = 3 * (h/3)
81 = h

The property used in this step is the multiplication property of equality.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 19 = h/3 - 8 is h = 81.

Finally, let's solve the equation 0.6x + 0.8 = 1.4:

Step 1: Start by subtracting 0.8 from both sides to isolate the variable term on one side:
(0.6x + 0.8) - 0.8 = 1.4 - 0.8
0.6x = 0.6

The property used in this step is the subtraction property of equality.

Step 2: Since 0.6x means 0.6 times x, to isolate x, divide both sides by 0.6:
(0.6x)/0.6 = 0.6/0.6
x = 1

The property used in this step is the division property of equality.

Thus, the solution to the equation 0.6x + 0.8 = 1.4 is x = 1.