The sum of the ages of Diego and Carissa is 67 years. 11 years ago, Diego's age was 2 times Carissa's age. How old is Diego now?

Translate the given information into an equation using the variable x = current age of Diego. Your equation should contain 67, 2, and 11. Do not simplify your equation.

C+D = 67 so C = 67 - D

(D-11) = 2 (C-11)

call D x

x-11 = 2(67-x -11)

thank you

is x=41

well, it does not ask for x but

x - 11 = 134 - 2 x - 22

3 x = 123

x = 41


To translate the given information into an equation, we can use the variable "x" to represent Diego's current age.

According to the problem, the sum of the ages of Diego and Carissa is 67 years. This can be expressed as: x + (67 - x) = 67.

Additionally, the problem states that 11 years ago, Diego's age was 2 times Carissa's age. So, we need to find their ages 11 years ago.

11 years ago, Diego's age was x - 11, and Carissa's age was (67 - x) - 11.

According to the problem, 11 years ago, Diego's age was 2 times Carissa's age. So, we can write the equation: x - 11 = 2((67 - x) - 11).

Therefore, the equation that represents the given information is: x + (67 - x) = 67 and x - 11 = 2((67 - x) - 11).