In a northern European country, the formula

y=0.036x 2 −2.8x+62.56

models the number of deaths per year per thousand people, y , for people who are x years old, 40¡Üx¡Ü60 . Approximately how many people per thousand who are 57 years old die each year? For the purposes of this problem, please round your answer to a whole number.

Approximately ___________ people per thousand who are 57 years old die each year.

just plug x = 57 into your equation and evaluate.

Surely you have a calculator.

you probably meant:
y=0.036x^2 −2.8x+62.56 , remember to square 57 first, then multiply by .036
Also be mindful that y is per thousand people, so you have to multiply your final answer by 1000.
At this point you realize that no rounding is needed.

thank you

is the answer 65

Does it sound plausible to you that in an entire country only 65 died in one year ?

how did you possible get 65?
show me your steps so I can see where you went wrong.


.036(57^2) - 2.8(57) = 62.56

= 116.964 - 159.6 + 62.56
= 19.924 , but that is in thousands, so ....


looks like you couldn't read your own writing, look at your first term

To find the approximate number of people per thousand who are 57 years old that die each year, we need to use the given formula and substitute x = 57 into it.

The formula given is y = 0.036x^2 - 2.8x + 62.56.

Let's substitute x = 57 into the equation:

y = 0.036(57)^2 - 2.8(57) + 62.56

Now we can simplify the equation:

y = 0.036(3249) - 159.6 + 62.56
y = 116.964 - 159.6 + 62.56
y = 19.924

Therefore, approximately 20 people per thousand who are 57 years old die each year.