What is the best order-of-magnitude estimate for 0.00003?


To find the best order-of-magnitude estimate for a number, we need to determine its approximate value in scientific notation.

First, let's convert 0.00003 to scientific notation. Since 0.00003 is a very small number, it can be written as 3 × 10^(-5).

Now, we can determine the order-of-magnitude by looking at the power of 10. In this case, the power is -5, which means the number is 10 raised to the power of -5.

In general, the order-of-magnitude refers to the power of 10 in scientific notation. For example, if a number is expressed as 2 × 10^3, the order-of-magnitude is 3.

Therefore, the best order-of-magnitude estimate for 0.00003 is 10^(-5).