Which answer puts these Revolutionary Period events in the correct order?

Boston Tea Party, Stamp Act, Declaration of Independence

Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, Declaration of Independence***

Boston Tea Party, Declaration of Independence, Boston Massacre

Declaration of Independence, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party

Plz help

Yes! You got it right this time. Good work!

yes its B


thanks man

To put these Revolutionary Period events in the correct order, you need to consider the chronological sequence in which they occurred. Here's how to figure it out:

1. The Stamp Act: The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1765. It was one of the major events leading up to the American Revolution and imposed taxes on various printed materials in the American colonies.

2. The Boston Tea Party: The Boston Tea Party occurred on December 16, 1773. It was a political protest against British taxation, specifically the Tea Act, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea in the colonies without paying taxes that local American tea merchants had to pay.

3. The Declaration of Independence: The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776. It was a formal statement by the thirteen American colonies declaring their independence from British rule.

So, based on the chronological order, the correct answer is: Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, Declaration of Independence.

Therefore, the correct choice is: Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, Declaration of Independence.