#7 Charcoal briquettes consist almost entirely of elemental carbon. When they burn in the open air, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are produced. Write balanced chemical equations illustrating the production of each combustion product.


C+O2 >>>CO2 duh
2C+O2 >> 2CO

Thats what I had down but all of the other homework has a lot longer equations. Did not know if it would be different

To write balanced chemical equations illustrating the production of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) when charcoal briquettes burn in the open air, we need to know the chemical formulas of the reactant and products involved.

Let's assume the elemental carbon in charcoal briquettes reacts with atmospheric oxygen (O2) during combustion. The balanced chemical equations are as follows:

1. For the production of carbon monoxide (CO):
C + O2 -> CO

In this equation, one carbon atom combines with one oxygen molecule (which contains two oxygen atoms) to form one molecule of carbon monoxide.

2. For the production of carbon dioxide (CO2):
C + O2 -> CO2

In this equation, one carbon atom combines with one oxygen molecule (containing two oxygen atoms) to produce one molecule of carbon dioxide.

Please note that these equations are simplified and represent the basic stoichiometry of the combustion reaction. In reality, the combustion process may involve more complex reactions and additional intermediate steps.