Ashley is very bold, outgoing, sociable, agreeable, and open to trying new things. Her sunny personality can probably be attributed:

A. more to environment than heredity
B. more to intelligence than to any other factor
C. more to heredity than environment
D. equall to heredity and environment.

I choose C is that correct


Heredity signifies you have acquired these traits from birth, the characteristics listed above are more prone to being products of your environment. Just as Ms. Sue stated above C is not correct.

read further and choose A is that correct

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options:

A. More to environment than heredity: This suggests that Ashley's personality traits are primarily shaped by her surroundings, such as the people she interacts with and the experiences she has.

B. More to intelligence than to any other factor: This implies that Ashley's sunny personality is mainly influenced by her level of intelligence.

C. More to heredity than environment: This option suggests that Ashley's genetic factors and inherited traits play a larger role in determining her bold, outgoing, sociable, agreeable, and open-minded personality.

D. Equal to heredity and environment: This option suggests that Ashley's sunny personality is equally shaped by both her genetic factors and her surrounding environment.

Considering Ashley's personality traits such as being bold, outgoing, sociable, agreeable, and open to trying new things, it is more likely that heredity plays a considerable role in shaping her character. However, environment can also play a part in influencing one's personality.

Therefore, the correct answer would be C. Ashley's sunny personality is more attributed to heredity than to environment.