Which word below is the subject of the sentence:

A)the ball
B) the quarterback threw
C)the field

Providing the sentence would be beneficial.

My guess without the sentence would be "B.) the quarterback threw".

B is not the subject because it contains a verb.

the ball

A) the ball

To determine the subject of a sentence, you need to identify the noun or pronoun that is performing the action or being described. In this case, the subject is typically the noun or pronoun that the verb is acting upon.

Let's analyze the options provided:

A) "the ball" - This is the object of the sentence, not the subject. The ball is not performing the action of throwing.

B) "the quarterback threw" - This is a complete phrase or clause, not just a single word. The subject in this case is "the quarterback."

C) "the field" - This is again the object of the sentence. The field is not performing the action of throwing.

D) "down" - This is not a noun or pronoun and does not serve as the subject of the sentence. It is likely an adverb describing the direction of the throw.

Therefore, the subject of the sentence is B) "the quarterback threw."

To identify the subject of a sentence, you should look for the noun or pronoun that is performing the action or being described by the verb.