Okay so Im doing a compare & contrast essay on key events that changed the Unites States between 1776-1870

Of course im going to include the creation of the US Constitution. But, I'm having a hard time coming up with the "before & after" effect?

What exactly changed?
What was it like before the Constitution was formed?

and yes I did read it. I just don't know what to put for the before...

Consider our independence, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, slavery, Civil War, and emancipation.

The creation of the US Constitution is indeed a significant event that shaped the United States between 1776 and 1870. To understand the before and after effects, it's important to consider the context and conditions that existed before the Constitution was formed.

Before the Constitution, the United States operated under the Articles of Confederation, which were adopted in 1781. However, the Articles of Confederation had several limitations that were addressed and improved upon in the Constitution.

1. Centralized Power: The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government with limited powers. The states had significant autonomy, which often led to conflicts and difficulties in making collective decisions. This lack of centralized power prevented effective governance and coordination.

2. Economic Challenges: Under the Articles of Confederation, there was no unified economic system. Each state had the power to regulate trade and impose tariffs, leading to economic disputes and hindering interstate commerce. Additionally, the central government had no authority to levy taxes, making it difficult to fund national initiatives and pay off debts.

3. Inadequate Representation: The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a strong national legislature or an executive branch. The unicameral Congress lacked the power to enforce laws effectively and lacked the ability to regulate interstate disputes. Each state had equal representation regardless of size or population, which often led to disparities and disagreements.

The creation of the US Constitution brought about several significant changes that sought to address these issues and improve the governance of the United States.

1. Stronger Central Government: The Constitution established a stronger central government with three branches – the executive, legislative, and judicial – that were designed to have checks and balances on each other's powers. This provided a more robust framework for governance and decision-making.

2. Improved Economic System: The Constitution granted the federal government the power to regulate interstate commerce and establish a unified economic system. This allowed for the creation of a national currency, consistent trade policies, and the ability to negotiate treaties with foreign nations.

3. Representation and Democracy: The Constitution introduced a bicameral legislature, with representation in the House of Representatives based on population. This ensured a fairer and more proportional representation. The Constitution also expanded voting rights for some white male citizens, though significant limitations and exclusions remained.

4. Individual Rights and Liberties: The Constitution included a Bill of Rights, which guaranteed certain fundamental rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and due process. This helped to protect individual rights and limit the powers of the government.

In summary, the Constitution changed the United States by establishing a stronger central government, improving the economic system, introducing a fairer representation system, and safeguarding individual rights. These changes aimed to address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and create a more unified, effective, and democratic nation.