How so i find out the difference between a quality adj. and a strong verb? i need help quick cause my dad and mom are doing something they said by the time the get back i should be done. PLEASE HELP!!!


Adjectives describe or modify nouns and pronouns. Verbs show action or state of being.


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To understand the difference between a quality adjective and a strong verb, we first need to understand what each term means.

1. Quality Adjective: A quality adjective describes the attributes or qualities of a noun (person, place, thing, or idea). It provides more information about the noun, such as its size, color, shape, or characteristics.

2. Strong Verb: A strong verb is an action word that conveys a specific action or idea. It describes an action that is performed with intensity or precision, often replacing weak, generic verbs with more dynamic and vivid ones.

To determine whether a word is a quality adjective or a strong verb, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the word in question. Look at the word you want to analyze in order to determine its function.

Step 2: Understand its role in the sentence. Consider how the word is used in the context of the sentence. Does it describe a noun (adjective) or express an action (verb)?

Step 3: Analyze the word. If the word is describing a noun and providing information about its qualities or attributes, it is likely a quality adjective. If the word is expressing an action or indicating intense or precise behavior, it is likely a strong verb.

Here's an example to help illustrate:

Sentence: "The tall building stood majestically."

Step 1: Identify the word in question - "majestically."

Step 2: Understand its role in the sentence - "Majestically" describes how the tall building is standing.

Step 3: Analyze the word - Since "majestically" is describing the action of standing, it is a strong verb.

Remember, it's essential to read the sentence carefully and consider the meaning and function of the word within the sentence to accurately identify whether it is a quality adjective or a strong verb.