1/4 + 7/50 + 27/50 =

25/100 + 14/100 + 54/100 = ?

93/100 is the answer you can decide to simplify if it needs to be or even can be.

To find the sum of these fractions, you need to add them together. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: If the denominators of the fractions are not the same, find a common denominator. In this case, the denominators are 4, 50, and 50. The smallest common denominator is 50, so we'll convert the fractions accordingly.

Step 2: Rewrite each fraction with the common denominator of 50:

1/4 = (1 * 50) / (4 * 50) = 50/200

7/50 remains as it is.

27/50 remains as it is.

Now, the equation becomes:

50/200 + 7/50 + 27/50

Step 3: Add the numerators (the numbers on top of the fractions) together while keeping the common denominator:

(50 + 7 + 27) / 50

Step 4: Simplify the numerator (the sum of the numerators):

84 / 50

Step 5: If possible, simplify the fraction by finding a common factor that can be divided from both the numerator and the denominator. In this case, both 84 and 50 can be divided by 2:

84 / 50 = (42 * 2) / (25 * 2) = 42/25

So, the sum of the fractions 1/4, 7/50, and 27/50 is 42/25.