just to make sure my answers is A) national government the delegated powers belong to the:but the other choices are B)the states C) congress D)the president

What kind of delegated powers are you talking about?

The Constitution delegates certain powers to different branches of the federal government. Undelegated powers are reserved for the states.

To ensure you have the correct answer, let's break down the question and consider the options provided:

The question asks about the entity to which delegated powers belong. Delegated powers refer to the powers granted to the government by the Constitution.

Now, let's analyze each option:

A) National government: The national government refers to the federal government, which consists of three branches - the legislative (Congress), the executive (President), and the judicial (Supreme Court). The delegated powers are indeed granted to the national government as a whole, but we should still consider the other options before confirming your answer.

B) The states: While the states do have powers granted to them in the Constitution, these powers are not considered delegated powers. Rather, the states have reserved powers, which means they retain all powers not explicitly granted to the national government.

C) Congress: Congress is the legislative branch of the national government, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. While Congress exercises many powers, including passing laws and controlling the national budget, the delegated powers specifically refer to the overall powers of the national government, not just Congress.

D) The President: The President is the head of the executive branch of the national government. While the President has significant powers, including commanding the armed forces and making treaties, delegated powers are not specific to the President alone.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is A) national government. The delegated powers belong to the national government as a whole, encompassing all three branches - the legislative, executive, and judicial.