Please help me to convert 0.02ug/ul to ng/mL

To convert from micrograms per microliter (ug/ul) to nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL), we can use the following conversion factors:

1 microgram (ug) = 1000 nanograms (ng)
1 microliter (ul) = 1000 milliliters (mL)

To convert 0.02 ug/ul to ng/mL, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert from ug to ng.
Since 1 ug is equal to 1000 ng, multiply 0.02 ug by 1000 to convert it to ng:
0.02 ug * 1000 = 20 ng

Step 2: Convert from ul to mL.
Since 1 ul is equal to 0.001 mL, divide 0.02 ul by 0.001 to convert it to mL:
0.02 ul / 0.001 = 20 mL

Step 3: Use the converted values to get the final result.
Now that we have 20 ng and 20 mL, divide the ng value by the mL value to get the final result:
20 ng / 20 mL = 1 ng/mL

Therefore, 0.02 ug/ul is equal to 1 ng/mL.